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Ferro-vanadiumpricesshowedsignsofregainingsomeoftheirloststrengthinEuropeonWednesdayNovember6,asmarketparticipantsreportedtightnessofmaterialandincreasedenquiries. 市场参与者…
Ferro-vanadium prices showed signs of regaining some of their lost strength in Europe on Wednesday November 6, as market participants reported tightness of material and increased enquiries.
Metal Bulletin’s quotation rose to $24.30-24.80 per kg on Wednesday, after dropping to $24 per kg on the low end previously, amid suggestions prices could in fact be heading for $23 per kg and below.
“Ferro-vanadium prices are absolutely increasing. I purchased on Monday and [a major German steel mill] has been in the market,” a trader said.
Some market participants have suggested prices could be heading towards $25 per kg and above in the short term, and small quantities are already at this level.
“If you have a small purchase, you won’t find it below $25 per kg. There are more buyers than sellers,” a distributor said.
“Suddenly, stocks got a bit empty, and the Chinese are not interested in going down to lower levels,” he added.
Producers have not sold much on a spot basis, the distributor said, and are likely to adjust their production into the year end, while traders are looking to find material ahead of the expected price rise in January.
“Why it’s happening now exactly, I don’t know. It could have happened in three or four weeks’ time. If this is going to last or it’s just for now, I can’t tell. It’s still on thin ice,” he said.
When the price moves, it tends to move significantly, he added, and could easily gain or lose as much as $2 in one go.
“Because of the illiquidity of the market, people are always jumping in and out. It’s not easy to go short when consumers are buying for next week,” the distributor said.
Metal Bulletin’s quotation rose to $24.30-24.80 per kg on Wednesday, after dropping to $24 per kg on the low end previously, amid suggestions prices could in fact be heading for $23 per kg and below.
“Ferro-vanadium prices are absolutely increasing. I purchased on Monday and [a major German steel mill] has been in the market,” a trader said.
Some market participants have suggested prices could be heading towards $25 per kg and above in the short term, and small quantities are already at this level.
“If you have a small purchase, you won’t find it below $25 per kg. There are more buyers than sellers,” a distributor said.
“Suddenly, stocks got a bit empty, and the Chinese are not interested in going down to lower levels,” he added.
Producers have not sold much on a spot basis, the distributor said, and are likely to adjust their production into the year end, while traders are looking to find material ahead of the expected price rise in January.
“Why it’s happening now exactly, I don’t know. It could have happened in three or four weeks’ time. If this is going to last or it’s just for now, I can’t tell. It’s still on thin ice,” he said.
When the price moves, it tends to move significantly, he added, and could easily gain or lose as much as $2 in one go.
“Because of the illiquidity of the market, people are always jumping in and out. It’s not easy to go short when consumers are buying for next week,” the distributor said.
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